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HIKVISION Access Controller รุ่น DS-K2604T

HIKVISION Access Controller รุ่น DS-K2604T

6,720.00 ฿



HIKVISION Access Controller รุ่น DS-K2604T

Four-door Access Controller, Storage with 100,000 cards and 300,000 access control events.
Uplink Communication: TCP/IP and RS-485;
Accessible Card Reader: 4 Wiegand readers or 8 RS485 readers;
Input interface: 4 alarm input, Door Sensor×4, Door Switch×4, Case Input×8, Fire Alarm Linkage×1, Tamper-proof×1;
Output interface: Door Switch Relay×4, Alarm Relay×4.

DS-K2600T Series
Access Controller

The DS-K2600T series access controller contains network and RS-485 interface, which supports TCP/IP and RS-485 communication protocols. The communication data is encrypted to improve the security of the system. The controller also supports offline operation and is designed with tamper-proof switch.

น้ำหนัก1.5 กก.
ขนาด37.3 × 34.5 × 9.8 เซนติเมตร


2 ปี

DS-K2601T-2T-4T Series Datasheet